Author Archives for Tom Ruthemann

Der Master-Studiengang Medien & Design schwitzt im frühsommerlichen Frühling

Wochenzettel 18,16:
Lieber zu heiß oder zu dunkel?

April 24, 2018 3:14 pm Published by Leave your thoughts Ein Studierendenbeitrag versucht die Unterscheidung zwischen den Begriffen Konkurrenz und Wettbewerb vorzunehmen – am Beispiel von Funknetzanbietern und der von ihnen erreichten Funknetzabdeckung in Deutschland zu veranschaulichen. Ein Exempel, das scheinbar die im abgedunkelten Masterlabor müde gewordenen Gemüter denn doch erregt.
Wochenzettel Design & Medien Hochschule Hannover

Wochenzettel 18,14:
Wait a second, where is everybody?

April 6, 2018 3:44 pm Published by Leave your thoughts If you look inside the Masterlabor this week, you’ll notice one thing primarily: the place where one could usually find the students of the Master’s program looks like a deserted ghost town! But don’t let this sight worry you: neither did they catch the flu nor did they take off into the Easter holidays early: it’s just one of those rare and magical weeks without any courses or deadlines. But thinking of this as a chance for the students to relax couldn’t be further from the truth. Everyone is starting to feel the pressure and is focussing their attention on their Master’s thesis. The students are free to chose where they want to do the work. Be it in at home, at the university, consulting with our professors or somewhere out there in the world: the time of working on their own has begun. It is an nerve racking time, where the students must always have an eye on the date. After this week has passed, forty-five days remain to work on the thesis, and during this time everyone will probably have at least one encounter with their worst enemy at the time: writers block. On the other side, it is a very exciting time, when the work on the different topics slowly comes together. The direction of the thesis gets clearer by the day and little victories fill the students with euphoric feelings.