Tuesday December 5th, 2017

Wochenzettel 17,46:
Looking forward to the future

At the beginning of this week, in the lecture by Martin Scholz, we once again took a look into the future and the matrix-like light play of the sun bathed the MDM-Lab in the appropriate futuristic atmosphere. On the basis of a text and two film examples, we have dealt most of all with the future of work.

The text „FuturZwei“ by Harald Weltzer has shown us, that in the future for us as designers it would not only be about designing products, but also about defining lifestyles that oppose excessive consumption and resource wastage in order to secure a „grandchild-suitable“ future. In the two film examples, various forms of work were presented that are already shaped by the digital revolution and demographic change. We also asked ourselves whether we would later become „click workers“ and „digital nomads“ or if our work might someday be replaced by robots?

On Tuesday in the weekly chair circle with Gunnar and Gudrun, we again explored the basic human motivations and dealt with the theme „Appreciation and Recognition“. Since it is particularly important to express your appreciation to others, we have told each other what we appreciate in the other and started with this friendly motivation boost towards the rest of the week.

On Wednesday there was no regular lecture with Friedrich Weltzien, but we had the opportunity to get advice from him in small groups and to present once again our revised masterthesis topics. By no later than this week, everyone has probably recovered from the impressions of the Schulterblick and has his or her eyes set forward again.

On Wednesday afternoon, “Lehymeyers Märchenstunde”, a Nexster Entrepreneurship Center event, took place in the Master Lab and Gunnar Spellmeyer took a crash course with the students to develop a business idea. Maybe some foundations for our future have been laid here.

Carina Braun