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Wednesday December 6th, 2017

Wochenzettel 17,48:
A good opportunity to take responsibility

Winter is coming, Advent is knocking on the door. However, there is no trace of a quiet winter atmosphere. The last seminar dates on the subject media theory have started for this semester and the core thesis of the master's thesis has to be summed up until concept presentation. There is still much work to do – a lot of preparation, tinkering and discussing to been done.

Tuesday December 5th, 2017

Wochenzettel 17,46:
Looking forward to the future

This week our focus was on the „Future of work“ as well as the „Future of our (master)work“. In the lecture and coaching we did not only think about how to continue our masterthesis, but also how we can assert ourselves as designers in the digitalized future.

Wednesday November 15th, 2017

Wochenzettel 17,45: Tips & Advice – Preparing the Concept Presentation

Einmal kurz verdaut und weiter geht's: der „Schulterblick“ liegt nun hinter uns und es kann mit viel Feedback in die neue Woche stolziert werden. Um sich auf die gefürchtete Konzeptpräsentation im Dezember gut vorbereiten zu können, holten sich die Masterstudenten in der KW 45 viele Tipps und Ratschläge ein, was erwartet und gewünscht wird.

Monday November 6th, 2017

Wochenzettel 17,44:
Future Vision: negate, reduce, specify

The tenth week was all about the future: On Monday in media theory class, where future-oriented design was in focus, as well as on Wednesday. Because it was „Schulterblick“ time. The first milestone of the master degree! In 25 short presentations, the students reported about their current status of their master thesis.

Wednesday October 25th, 2017

Wochenzettel 17,42:
„Je suis Darth Vader“

Seven weeks of the master course have now been passed already. During the last few days students intensely evaluated essays of Adorno and Negus and have been subsequently inspired by diverse lectures during the Kurt- Schwitters-Symposium „Design and Mimesis“.

Tuesday October 17th, 2017

Master students review. Looking beyond the edge of one’s own creative discipline

Was mich über das vorwiegend praktisch-gestalterische Grundstudium hinaus am Masterstudium Design und Medien in Hannover besonders reizte, war tiefer in die Medientheorie hineinschnuppern zu können. Gelegenheit zur Beschäftigung mit medienphilosophischen Ansichten von Platon bis hin zu Baudrillard ...